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Tubular tyres

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Why using Tubular bike tyres can make a difference

Like any other system of transportation, the bike scene has undergone major changes since those days of the charismatic local cycle shops. When you entered one you were immediately experienced that special rubber smell and choosing a tyre was easy. It was just a question of tubular tyres for a racing bike and a clincher if it wasn’t. For any cyclist who still believes a bike tyre is just that, they could be in for a surprise, because technical tyre advancement has changed cycling applications significantly.

Amongst the cycling fraternity, it’s argued that tubular bike tyres provide a system that is better than clinchers because the incidence of getting a flat is reduced. This is in comparison to “pinch flats” which are relatively common for clinchers. However, others will say that changing a clincher is easier if a tube or tyre blown, although this could depend on the ability of the rider!

Facts and preferences of tubular tyres

Many professional riders use tubular cycle tyres, therefore, it could depend on personal preferences after pros and cons of the respective tyres. On that note, exactly what are the differences between Clinchers and tubular bike tyres?

The clincher arguably offers a wider selection, contributed to by them being the traditional cycle tyre system and one that has probably been experienced by anyone who has ridden a pedal bike. This includes pumping up a slow puncture, or taking out the inner-tube and repairing it. The clincher is made up of a wheel, a tyre, and an inner tube and is reportedly fast and lightweight.

By comparison, the best tubular tyres have uniqueness by the tyre being glued onto the wheel rim. With the inner tube sewn into the tyre, it becomes a single unit. This option is reported to give a softer and smoother ride, with reduced rolling resistance and operates at a higher tyre pressure.

This takes us back not only to personal preferences but also your individual riding style. The best tubular tyres are used by many racers; however, casual Sunday riding could be another story!

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